Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Are you a' time table 'person??!

  It was a regular evening  and in between my household chores  , I glanced at the  clock form my kitchen and realised that I was running late to finish my  cooking for dinner.It was already 8 45 pm and I need to put my son to sleep  before 9 30 pm ,for he has to wake up the next day at 7am .Then I tried figuring out why I was late for cooking and realised that I had spent more time relaxing myself watching the evening serial and also  surfing at Internet.Then I rolled back and tried calculating the rest of my activities ,so that was a long list of teaching my son,taking him for a bicycle round ,his nap with my small nap too,his lunch ,school pick up ,afternoon lunch preps,cleaning up, etc etc.I see myself on the toe always and have an urge to complete a task and always be in a state of anxiety that I would be running late.
       I know it feels nice to be chilled out and relaxed and just keep it going without being bothered about anything.We always do not like to be bound by the time and do our day to day chores.We have certain things in our life which are restrained by time :ex our office time;our meeting time;our kid's school time .But what about other things?Do every single chore need to be time confined or restrained by time.Imagine even our nap or relaxation time is confined to specific time constraint.I see the clock and wake up horrified every time after my sleep ,as to what needs to be done next.Hope I had all the time on earth and  could do at least one activity peacefully without having any internal stress.So after all these tensions,I made it a point to make time table for myself to manage my time for each of my activities like "play time for my son','study time for him','my surfing time',my nap time',my cooking time'etc so that I get some relief.

Do you guys feel the same ?Do we need to keep up a certain time schedule and follow our day to day activities?Do we need to organise the entire day ,so that we don't run out of time ?


NRIGirl said...

Good question Raji and of course good post too. I used to feel a lot stressed until a couple of years ago and then I "invented" the Pause button for life. Please check it out when time permits. :)

Once you get a handle on it, you will be just fine...

Renu said...

I always like to plan everything, it makes the work easier without any hurry worry:)

raji said...

Hi Nri ..the pause button was a really practical solution.I should plan that for myself too.You cannot expect everything to be going perfect and smooth .very nice post I must say.That time I wasn't in the blogging world.

raji said...

@Renu that's nice ..:))

Alka Gurha said...

I am a time table person. Anyways well planned is half done.

Sahana Rao said...

How true. An activity without plan will be a pain. It will always make us feel we are doing something extra. Mostly my activities will be planned.

Amrit said...

I am not a time table person. Haha :)) The only thing I do on time is drop my daughter to school at school time. Other than that I work odd hours at random places.

Also besides PAUSE BUTTON, I have FF and STOP BUTTON :)))))

R. Ramesh said...

agreed: well planned is half done.

raji said...

@Alka ..How nice!very organised person:))

@spicy sweet .yes that's true .That's what even I realized and now I am trying to do things according to time.

@A That was hilarious.Pause se bhi toda extra FF and stop.!Nice ..chilled out person I must say.:))

@Ramesh long time !welcome back ramesh.what u said is .true but little difficult to plan:))

Rama Ananth said...

I never look at the time and do things, for I have become used to do doing things in such a way, that there is no need to look at time at all. Sometimes i forget to wear my watch while conducting Aerobics class, still I will go through the entire routine with clock like precision, and it would end exactly in the time it has to end, shocking many of my students, for they would be wearing watches and be surprised.
It is just after doing things in a certain way for years,one is automatically tuned to the body clock as they say.
Right from the day my children started going to school, time management has become a part of me, so years and years of practice has made me totally tuned to time.

raji said...

@rama experience matters .we are all we end up messing with time:))

Irfanuddin said...

well...personally i like to plan things n do them on time, specially when i commit someone something then i do take care that time should not fail......

Rachna said...

Raji I can relate to so many things that you wrote. Larger things like trips I plan each detail. But, daily routine I wish I planned it better. Things like my work, my daily walk, my browsing, my cooking and getting the kids ready for school happen naturally and take precedence over other routine activities. But, I've resolved to keep aside half an hour daily for yoga, one hour for daily housekeeping stuff that I neglect so miserably, restrict browsing for pleasure to half an hour per day, kids time 1 hour. This will take care of most activities. The rest I will leave unplanned to accommodate sundry other activities. Being a working mother, 24 hours in a day is less and no matter how we plan we will be short of time :).

WritingsForLife said...

Sadly, the lives people like me lead, time table is a necessity, not an option.

raji said...

@ Rachna U got it !what exactly I meant .Dedicating quality time to each of the activities is so imporatant. I have gone through that phase .what you were explaining and as aworking mother , I know how it feels.

@raaji that was a nice statement indeed :))

Anonymous said...

that is something everybody experiences :) but coming to the planning part of it. i tell you i'm a great planner but a bad follower of the timetable :p i am never able to follow it but i always rush things at the last minute and complete the stuff ;)
nice post!

raji said...

@civil princess.true ..that's what happens with most of us.following according to time for each and every task is so much pain.:))

Onkar said...

I think, it is a good idea to have a time table, but some flexibility should be woven in.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

As adults I'm not certain that timetables are too important, that said I hate to be late for anything. When you have children I think its a whole other matter and schedules are a lot more necessary.

raji said...

@ onkar that's a good point there.

@ petty true I think with kids ,even small things needs to be well planned and have a schedule:)

Harish P I said...

a certain amount of scheduling is necessary in life, but i make it a point to make most of it flexible..

Mak said...

Hey raji, lovely post. Yes, sometimes & in certain things, i do stick to time. It helps you a lot..

raji said...

Thanks mak.:)

dr.antony said...

Honestly I dont keep a time table.I would think it might become boring after some time.I often do things at the last moment,but has managed to survive on that strategy.

Shobha said...

With growing up children there are always endless number of chores to be done and rather difficult to stick to a time table...and specially catch up on your beauty sleep.